Monday, November 22, 2010

Emerging ICTs in Education

The year---2010. Let's take a snapshot of the current emerging Infocomm Technologies related to education:

Cloud computing:

Social Media as learning tools:

(i) What is Social Media?

(ii) What is the impact of Social Media in learning?

Ultimately, we are heading towards Internet Semantic Web a.k.a Web 3.0 --->

Due to these emerging trends, it is no wonder that schools will need to level the playing field for their students and staff by establishing an IT-enabled standard operating environment (such as making available of one-to-one computing, pervasive and intentional use of e-learning & e-assessment, utilization of cloud-computing and social media, etc) to pave the way for these emerging ICTs.

May I remind you, that there is really no advantage to being ignorant in this matter. This ship will sail---with or without you.

Where does Singapore stand? You be the judge:
March, 2010

September, 2010